Holy cow... has it really been a whole year since I've posted?
My SIL Erin and I went to Time Out for Women this past weekend in Raleigh. As we were walking back from lunch and chatting I told her I hadn't blogged in so long, that I can't access my blog at work like I used to be able to. I can't upload photos on to the blog from work.
But I realized I need to write here more. Write the stories of my kids, the things they do and say, their accomplishments, my hopes for them - more.
So here we go.
(I just took my wrist brace off so I can type faster).
** 42 has not been kind to me. Not sure if I have carpal tunnel, arthritis or tendonitis in my wrist so I'm wearing a brace. Doesn't matter what I try to do the pounds don't want to budge. My skin doesn't heal as quickly as it used to. I'm starting to look old - probably just to me but still...
And I got a new car - a VW Cabrio. Looks just like the one I had right after I graduated college. It's red with a black top and super cute and fun to drive. LOVE IT!
Work has been busy, I got a promotion last summer which was exciting and rewarding. I've also been with the FBI for 15 years and I have just 15 to go until I can retire! Exciting!
It's hard to juggle everything sometimes with Allen's work schedule but we're making it happen.
I'm in YW right now teaching the 14-15 y/o girls. It's stressful and rewarding. These girls are super smart.
Updates on the kids to follow...